Pitching Mechanics Drills To Throw Harder - The Drill

In this video, Scott Haase describes 3 of his favorite drills to improve your drift. Mastering these drills can help baseball pitchers throw harder, add velocity, and reach their dreams!
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Full Transcript (will update):
Pitching Mechanics Drills To Throw Harder - The Drift
These are three of my favorite drift drills. If you're trying to increase your velocity to throw harder with your pitching mechanics.
This first drill, I call the ATP drill. I've seen it called a bunch of different things and I am not the one that created this. So shout out to a lot of people that have done this drill in the past. I've heard of called the wall drill. I've heard it called the fence drill. I've heard it called a whole bunch of different things,
but the concept is to avoid your partner. Since I don't have a partner, this is becoming my partner. You can use a wall, a pad, a fence, a net. Oh, it doesn't matter. Or a partner. What I like to do is what guys tend to have is somebody there or something there.
So they're going to avoid this thing. So when I set up, I'm going to have my hands straight down. A softer target will be more forgiving or softer partner right here. Me more forgiving. When I pitch, you can see there's kind of not an imaginary one, but a real straight line like this. My favorite one to use would be either something like this where I can clear if I am a guy that goes heavy with my leg kick back or anything like that, or there's softball nets that actually have a hole in them. You can actually move like that.
But where your hand is when you're comfortably just straight on like this should be grazing or touching right here. When you pitch, if you drift, when you lift, you should not hit this. If you're not drifting enough and getting enough movement, when you lift, you'll find yourself running into this. So when I pitch, I'm going to try and avoid this and also try not to cut my toe there.
The second drill is called the shoulder lean. Now I'm no dancer or no artist, but the shoulder lean. Anyways, the shoulder lean for the shoulder lean. I'm not going to dance again, but the concept and the idea is to over exaggerate your forward lean as a lefty. It would be my right shoulder. I'm going to take that down. So many guys want to aggressively kick back like this because they're told for right or for wrong to really get back like this with their shoulder tilt.
We're going to actually tilt forward toward the target because oftentimes what happens is when you lift, you end up straightening out your shoulders. So we're going to go counterintuitive, counter shift when you lift to hopefully get the idea in your mind of my spine is going to start moving this direction when I lift.
I'm not saying you shouldn't tilt or you should, but if we take your shoulders forward in this type of tilt, regardless of how much you tilt, this will take you out of your back leg a little bit earlier because when you lift, you should start to drift. So I start instead of here, I'm going to start tilted here either with my spine or my shoulders and then I'm just going to start going when I lift.
This last one I really like because it incorporates time. So it's the stop watch drill. You're going to use a stopwatch to improve your drift. If you don't have a partner for this, first ask someone, but what you can do is also record it, put a timer on your phone and figure it out with trying to time it up and this frames and per second and everything like that. But stopwatch timer drill is great if you first have a stopwatch, second understand what I'm going to tell you here about the amount of time from leg lift to the ball touching the ground, but or see me the catcher and then lastly, you can perform it. So if you don't have someone or something, take care of that first, but what you're wanting to do is have them start the timer at leg lift.
So as soon as that foot comes off the ground, they start the timer as soon as the ball hits the catcher's mitt, you stop the timer.
You're going to want to do this multiple times to find kind of an average because the timing might be off a little bit. But if you are a left -handed pitcher like me, the time from lift to touch should be about 1 .5 to 1 .7 seconds. If you have a decent move, you can get away with 1 .7 because you're a lefty. As a righty, it's going to be less, but 1 .5 to 1 .7, I would urge you to be more around the 1 .5 in case a guy gets a really good first step and is just aggressively trying to steal on you. You'll have a better chance and your catcher will have a better chance of throwing that guy out. For a righty, you want to be 1 .3 to 1 .5 seconds from start to when this hits the catcher's mitt and when you stop.
Another thing you can look at is being somewhere around 0 .9 to 1 .05. I believe Tom House is where I first heard that from and that I might have butchered the time, but right around there, 0 .9 seconds to 1 .05 seconds, so right around a second. And that is from like lift, so your foot lifts to foot touch. and what that looks like is start and stop the timer when you go so you're just doing your normal pitch and then you would start the timer and stop start stop and if you're doing the 1 .3 1 .5 1 .7 that's going to be start during the lift and then stop when it hits the catcher's mitt.
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